October 2021 Decon Message

We don’t  want anyone to be concerned at the bare ground where our Christ Church Pumpkin Patch was  — on the property of Main Street Community Garden.  ALL of the pumpkins have found homes across our community, including special places in yards, lining driveways, and as Center Pieces.   I have not been offered any pumpkin pies made from any, but I do know that there have been some yummy pumpkin treats made from some of them.  

Thank You! for all the support given to the First Christ Church Pumpkin Patch.   Because of the Pumpkin Patch, over $2,000 was collected towards progress of Main Street Community Garden.   Thank You to all who offered their time in manning the Pumpkin Patch, and all who contributed.   The Pumpkin Patch has been a great avenue for adding funds to the Community Garden, and for helping us to get to know our neighbors.  There are a few who have told us they are ready to be a gardener.

You will be getting more information  about Main Street Community Garden.  If you have interest in helping, please let Peter Kisner, Crystal French, Art Boyer, Jeni Lorenz, Valerie Sanders, or Deacon Becky know, especially if you have some experience in gardening.  The next phase will include plot development (i.e. getting soil and mulch ready for the planting season.)  We especially want to hear from you if you would like to have a family plot in the garden.

As we move into Advent, we have even more expectancy in conjunction with our Main Street Community Garden…and how it can provide a place for health, beauty, and relationship in downtown Temple.  Please join us.

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